Five Wall Exercise to Lose Belly Fat: No need to go to the gym. You can do these exercises at home in the gallery or even in the bedroom. (5 Easy Standing Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat)
8 out of 10 people suffer from weight gain and belly fat. You have to take help of things like gym, diet to lose weight. (Five Wall Exercise to Lose Belly Fat) By following some simple tips, you can exercise with the support of the wall with minimal effort. You can do 5 wall exercises to reduce belly fat. (Five Wall Exercise to Lose Belly Fat) You don’t need to go to the gym to do this exercise. You can do these exercises at home in the gallery or even in the bedroom. (5 Easy Standing Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat)
- Wall Sit:
Doing this exercise puts pressure on the lower abdomen. This exercise is similar to situps. Fears are supported while doing this exercise. For this, take the support of the wall with the back completely straight and then sit on the knees sticking to the wall.
- Wall Leg Raise
Doing this exercise puts pressure on the lower part of the leg. To do this exercise, lie on your back on the ground and raise your legs and then lower them again.
- Wall Pushups
Not everyone can do normal pushups. Wall pushups are a great option for that. Doing this exercise strengthens the chest, arms and core muscles.
- The Big V
In this exercise, the body appears like a V. To perform this exercise, stand a foot away from the wall and hold the position for a while with your legs as high as possible. Doing this exercise 5 to 10 times daily will show good results.
- Wall Bridge
Lie on your back on the floor to perform this exercise. Lift your body with your feet on the wall and form a bridge-like structure. There should be pressure on the upper abdomen. This will help in fat loss. Doing this exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles. Following a proper diet is just as important as doing these exercises. Otherwise just exercising is useless.